We’re pretty excited about the newest Magic format, Pioneer, here at Just Games. So excited, in fact, that we want to give you a reason to try competitive Pioneer! So instead of charging an entry fee, we’re going to make our next WPNQ – Pioneer 100% free to all participants! This “FreePQ” will be Pioneer Constructed, and is a great way to risk nothing and still get a chance to try competitive Magic. If you’re a seasoned player, this one is on us!
- Entry: Free. $0. Nada.
- Time: Starts at registration at noon, round one at 12:30 pm
- Format: Pioneer Constructed
- Rounds: Swiss followed by a Top 8 Cut.
Day of Deals
We’re also going to try something new here – obviously, tournaments cost money to run. Traditionally, the thinking on these kinds of competitive events is to juice up prize support and generate huge attendance to cover the cost of a massive prize pool. The trouble is, big prize pools only really reward a few people. So for these WPNQs, we’re going to try celebrating the game, and offering you a couple cool deals on your purchases during them.
- Double points on ANY Magic purchase made the day you play in the event. Sealed. Sleeves. Binders. Boxes. Whatever you use for Magic, we’ll reward you for buying it during the event.
- 20% off all Magic singles in our display or electronic catalog. Anything. Doesn’t matter how much or how little. And you’ll ALSO get double points on them.
- 1st place gets an invite and a $150 travel award.
- 2nd place gets a FTV Transform
- 3rd-8th each get 1 Brawl Deck, selected in order of standings
You can reserve a seat online below. Please note that the registration is free, so you should do it if you plan on attending. If we hit our attendance cap, you may not have a seat on the day! So preregister now to reserve your seat at the FreePQ – Pioneer!
Please note that registration for this event is currently suspended due to COVID-19 concerns and event attendance caps.