Card Games Charity Magic: the Gathering New Releases Store events

Adopt Bob at Magic Open House, May 4

This is Bob. Bob is an American Kestrel housed at the Wild Wings here in Rochester. We’re going to adopt him as part of our Magic: the Gathering Open House! And what’s more, the player who makes the most new friends at Open House gets to meet Bob during a private tour! Super cool!

Don’t worry; Bob isn’t going to live with us at the store. Bob is going to stay at Wild Wings, where they rehabilitate injured birds of prey. Wild Wings also fosters awareness, enhances respect and promotes personal responsibility for the natural world through by offering educational programming involving rehabilitated birds of prey. We’re excited to partner with them for this cool event, and we’re very excited to help Bob!

Adopt Bob at Magic Open House, May 4

What is Open House

Come in, get a free Magic deck, learn to play. Play at least one game, get a promo card. Simple, right? Fun too! Don’t worry! You don’t have to be a new player to participate, you can come share your love of the game with new players and get yourself a promo for participating.

But I don’t play Magic!

That’s okay! Come learn; this event is intended for curious beginners!

The Details

For every 2 new players try Magic at Open House, we will pay for Bob’s upkeep for an additional month! So bring two friends, your two kids, your two grandparents, whomever is interested in Magic cards or magical little falcons. To “count” they have to play a game of Magic and exchange a name card with someone (*see below*). Our goal is to generate enough interest to adopt Bob for 2 years – that’s just 24 new people who need to check in for Open House. 

What’s more, when you come to open house, we’ll give you a stack of Name cards. Go around and introduce yourself to people in the store; when you do, trade name cards with them! The person with the most name cards at the end of the day wins a personal tour of Wild Wings and gets to meet Bob!


Learn about Wild Wings

You can find out more about Wild Wings right on their website!


Learn about American Kestrels

The American kestrel (Falco sparverius) is the smallest falcon in North America. It varies in size from about the weight of a blue jay to a mourning dove. Its plumage is colorful and attractive, and juveniles are similar in plumage to adults.

Adopt Bob at Magic Open House, May 4

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