Miniatures Store events

Age of Sigmar Path to Glory begins January 16

Join us for Age of Sigmar, Path to Glory on Sundays starting in January! 600 points to start, no painting requirement.

Path to Glory is a campaign system for narrative play in Age of Sigmar 3.0. This means that it is a way of connecting a number of battles with the same faction into a coherent story where your army grows, faces victories and defeats, and gain renown and rewards. It is a great way to start a new army, since you can begin the campaign with only a handful of units, and then play with those and learn to play the army while slowly adding new units as the campaign progresses.

A Path to Glory campaign differs from regular Matched Play in the sense that each game you play has consequences for the next game you play: Each of your units can gain new abilities or sustain injuries that affect how they play in future battles, and you can complete various quests across several battles.

We will offer a Path to Glory campaign, hosted in-store, starting on January 16, 2022 at 12 pm.

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