Star Wars Destiny Store events

Spirit of Rebellion Preview Event

Just Games is pleased to announce that we were selected to receive a Star Wars Destiny Spirit of Rebellion Preview Event Kit. This kit supports 36 players and will be available during a preview event on Sunday, April 2 from 1 pm to 4 pm. Players will receive 3 booster packs of Spirit of Rebellion […]

Magic: the Gathering Store events

Modern Masters 2017 Magic the Gathering Drafts, March 17 & 18

Modern Masters 2017 is a hotly anticipated draft format. We are gearing up for this one with 2 days of drafting. We will be offering all day on-demand drafts (aka as soon as we get ~8 players we’ll fire a draft) on Friday. Friday and Saturday will also be the start of the MM17 mini-league. […]

D&D Store events

D&D Youth Summer Programs

This July we are introducing two week-long youth events designed to give children ages 8-16 a chance to build social and teamwork skills through gaming. The first of these events will be a D&D-focused series called “Venture Forth” and will be designed for brand new players to D&D, running from July 10-14. The second session […]

D&D Role-Playing Store events

D&D Epic: Ark of the Mountains, March 25

“The flying galleon Thunderbound descends on Beregost, unleashing the wrath of the cloud giants! To save the town from annihilation, heroes from far and wide must awaken the lost machine entombed under Durlag’s Tower. Dare you board the Ark of the Mountains and do battle in the burning skies?” WHAT IS AN EPIC? A D&D […]

Miniatures Store events

Guild Ball Regional Qualifier at Just Games

Just Games is pleased to announce that we have been selected as an official venue for the 2017 Guild Ball Regional Qualifier circuit, a new international championship series presented by Steamforged. Are you ready to take to the pitch and prove your skill and determination is higher than that of anybody else in your local […]

Miniatures Role-Playing Store events

March Metal Monsters – Painting Challenge

Our February painting challenge had 16 participants and a great contest with a lot of great entries! Winners can be found in our gallery of past challenges. We also are here to announce the March miniatures challenge. By popular demand we will be using metal as our base material, and in keeping with our promise […]

Role-Playing Store events

Used RPG Book Sale

Our yearly used RPG clearance is now through February 28! Great source of splat books and inspiration for new campaigns by digging through the tomes of long-past systems! For members only: All used hardcover RPG books – $5 All used softcover RPG books – $2 All Dragon Magazines – $1 Buy $50 or more of […]

Miniatures Store events

X-Wing Miniatures Aturi Cluster

The Aturi Cluster X-Wing Miniatures league is going on until the end of February, which is perfect if you want to get in the Corelean Conflict Armada League OR the next Aturi Cluster league, both of which will start on Tuesday evenings starting March 7 at 6 pm. Keep watching this space for events details […]

New Releases Pokemon Store events

Pokemon League Sundays

Starting at 12pm, we’ll have our first Pokemon League casual league. $6 or 600 MRP entry. Prize support is one booster pack per match win. Players can bring a standard constructed deck or purchase a ready-to-play standard legal Sun & Moon deck at the store. Players who attended the launch can bring those decks with […]

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