Store events

Ixalan Sealed Showdown

December 9, 12 pm

Join us for Just Games’ Ixalan Sealed Showdown! It’s a more competitive step-up from a prerelease, and it gives you a chance to win promo materials at a special event. This event will use a Lost Caverns of Ixalan Prerelease kit to form your base deck, followed by rounds of sealed determined by the number of participants.

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Format & Cost

Cost is $50 per player, after tax, and includes all packs, prizes and materials for play. 

Signups will be from noon to 1 pm, with sealed beginning promptly at 1pm. The format will be Sealed – Lost Caverns of Ixalan. There will be no cut to top 8, but the Top 8 players will receive prizes prizes as follows.

Sealed Showdown Prizes

Top 8 will receive prizes as follows:

  • 5-8th | 2 Ixalan Collector Boosters*
  • 3rd & 4th | 3 Ixalan Collector Boosters
  • 2nd | 4 Wilds Ixalan Collector Boosters
  • 1st | 4 Wilds Ixalan Collector Boosters

*Exact boosters will be based on stock levels at the time of the event. The greater value Lord of the Rings Collector Boosters may be substituted if Ixalan is unavailable or out of stock. 

Now, for the other news you’re really after, what promos do you get? The following promos will be given out at this event:

Bring a Friend Cultivate

Ixalan Sealed Showdown

Bring a player new to Magic at Just Games, and you and that friend get a Promo Cultivate

Participation Promo

Ixalan Sealed Showdown

The first 32 players to sign up will get a Phyrexian Dismember promo just for participating.

Top 8 Promos

  • 8-5th Braids, Arisen Nightmare Promo
  • 4-3rd Eidolon of the Great Revel Foil Promo
  • 2nd Eidolon of the Great Revel – Just Games Stamped
  • 1st Eidolon of the Great Revel – Just Games Stamped


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