Age of Sigmar Board Games Miniatures New Releases Store events Youth Programming

Summer Demo Daze, July 27 – New release demos by local designers

From noon – 6 pm we’ll be running demos of some great new games, many by local designers! Any copies of these games pre-ordered or purchased today will earn you double member reward points. This is also Youth League, so stick around to learn some games while your young adventurer plays D&D!


Gem Hens

By local designer Jim DiCamillo, Noon start

Summer Demo Daze, July 27 – New release demos by local designers

Releasing July 25, 2019

Local designer and friend of Just Games, Jim DiCamillo, presents Gem Hens. Recently Kickstarted, Gem Hens is a game about coaxing your chickens to peck up gems and lay the best “faberge-style” egg based on the gems they consumed. Cute and fun, Jim will be demoing this game at noon on July 27. You can pre-order it via the link, or check our some of the mechanics below. Support your FLGD – “Friendly Local Game Designer” with this cool addition to your board game library!

The game will be available to purchase right here in store too, and earns you double points when you do!



Adventure Tactics

Local designer Nicholas Yu, 2-4 pm

Summer Demo Daze, July 27 – New release demos by local designers

Anticipated release April 2020


The ruthless Queen Domianne rules the kingdom of Astelia with an iron fist, but an ancient prophecy has emerged which threatens her reign. The adventure starts in your humble village and eventually leads to the seat of Domianne’s power, the peerless and ancient Tower of Greylock.

Adventure Tactics: Domianne’s Tower is an encounter-based, campaign-driven, cooperative deck-builder. Begin your journey as one of 5 Basic Classes and battle your way through a branching campaign where you choose your own path in an attempt to overthrow the evil Queen Domianne. With each encounter, you will level up and unlock over 15 Elite Classes, adding new actions, equipment, and abilities.

Will your team find the right combination of Classes and powers in time to stop Queen Domianne? Let the adventure begin! Perfect for D&D Youth League members and their families! In addition if you miss this weekend, Nick will be back to demo the next 2 weekends. 

The base game goes to Kickstarter shortly, and you can pre-order and back it right at the store for double points!

Adventure Tactics pre-order

Summer Demo Daze, July 27 – New release demos by local designers



Age of Sigmar: Warcry

Staffer Neil Burns, 3-5 pm

Summer Demo Daze, July 27 – New release demos by local designers

Demo the new skirmish Warcry game with Just Games staff. This game releases today, so you can check it out and decide if it’s for you! Purchasing this game today will earn double reward points. You can pre-order the game here or in store during the demo on release day!

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