Board Games D&D Role-Playing Store events

Free RPG Day & Board Game Swap

Fun starts at noon!   Join us for our yearly role-playing appreciation event. We’re going to do a lot of cool events, so it’s a great day to try a new role-playing game or return to an old favorite! This event schedule will grow as we get more tables, check our Facebook page’s event tab […]

Magic: the Gathering New Releases

Eternal Masters Booster Draft, June 10 & 11

Join us on Friday June 10 and Saturday June 11 for Eternal Masters Booster drafts. We have a limited number of seats available at $35 in store or $38 online (a $3 convenience fee is added for online pre-registration). Tickets will be $40 on the day of the event. You may pre-register online or in […]

Board Games New Releases

Revised Board Game Game Highlight: Flick ‘Em Up!

Split up into two gangs and prepare to face your rivals in the purest of Western traditions! Flick’em Up is an exciting dexterity board game for 2 to 10 players. Will you join the Sheriff and his gang or will you be a part of the fearsome Cooper clan? Each character in the game is […]

Magic: the Gathering Store events

Zombie Sheep Demo, May 28

Join local game designer Jason Gough as he demos Zombie Sheep, a new game from Casual Dragon Games.   Zombie Sheep is a card game in which each player represents a specialized group, each with specific reasons for trying to capture Zombie Sheep. The player’s goal is to catch these unique specimens before the other […]

Miniatures Store events

Guild Ball Summer Kickoff Tournament

Join us for the Guild Ball Summer Kickoff event at noon on Sunday May 29. We also play Guild Ball and Board Games every Thursday at 6pm $10 entry 35 min per player and 1 min stop watch after clocked out condition. 10 min admin time. 80 minute round total. 3 rounds minimum

D&D Role-Playing Store events

Just Games DnD 5E Epic Series, Part 3 “The Siege at Dawn”

May 28, noon The Just Games 2016 Epic series is a locally-authored multi-table, monthly D&D game in which participants play characters working together to overcome major upheaval in the world. Each table will have a part to play, and the characters’ success or failure will influence the next month’s game play. Want to truly change […]

Card Games New Releases Store events

Game of Thrones Tournament for Playsets

Game of Thrones LCG “Much and More” weekly tournament for playsets of cards Sunday, 2pm-6pm $3 entry 4-8 players, 3 rounds 9+ players, 4 rounds A weekly Game of Thrones tournament with playsets of cards as prizes. Players that are undefeated (or top 3, if fewer than 3 players are undefeated) select 1 playset (3 […]

Magic: the Gathering New Releases Store events

MTG: Triskaidekaphobia on Friday the 13th

Tonight at FNM, win a game of Magic through Triskaidekaphobia’s effect and get $13 in store credit. You can win via draft, you can put it in a Standard deck, or you can jam it in modern – whatever you want, so get brewing fast for this challenging special prize.

Magic: the Gathering New Releases

Eternal Masters – Pre-orders and Drafts

Draft Through Eternity Take a step outside time with Eternal Masters. This exciting set lets you draw on some of the most sought-after cards from throughout the history of Magic—some with new artwork—to enhance your Cube or your favorite Commander, Vintage, and Legacy decks. Eternal Masters is designed to be a unique and enjoyable Draft […]

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