Magic: the Gathering Store events

Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Prerelease & Preorders

Store events are back, and so are Magic prereleases! We expect July 16-22’s D&D-themed Adventures in the Forgotten Realms to be perhaps the largest, most popular summer Magic set in history. The art spoiled so far is absolutely stunning. Dungeons and Dragons has a following perhaps more massive than even Magic, so it’s a real opportunity […]

40K Age of Sigmar Board Game Rentals Magic: the Gathering Store events

Weekly Events are Back!

We’ve had weekly events back for a week, and what a fun week it’s been! We’re pleased to see everyone back, and we’re happy to see how many folks are comfortably returning to in-store play and having a great time doing it! What’s new Our board game library (free to use in store as part […]

Magic: the Gathering Store events

Magic Promo Packs – More ways to get ’em

Want to get these fancy Magic promo packs? Now you can get them any time you attend an event! Any player can redeem their rewards points for these packs at any time during an event (limit 1 pack of each type per event). So if you never spent any money apart from event entries, that […]

D&D Store events

D&D Summer Youth Programs 2021 – Online Programs

Each summer since we’ve been open, we’ve done a robust, in-person summer day program for parents to bring young adventures to. We know having activities at home is important right now, so this year, rather than manage all the health concerns of parents and young kids interacting in person, we’re going to run those summer […]

Board Games Store events

Board Game Swap Debrief

Over $3000 donated to charity, 900+ games swapped & sold First, a sincere thank you to the Rochester regional board game community, who have been so enormously supportive throughout the last year and a half. We couldn’t be here, writing this, without you. Second, the energy in the store on Saturday was incredible. As each […]

COVID-19 Store events

A Return to Organized Play

Modern Horizons 2 in-store prereleases return! In light of New York State adopting the CDC’s recently revised COVID-19 guidelines for fully-vaccinated people, we are pleased to say organized play will return to Just Games on June 11! This will kick off with our Modern Horizons 2 pre-release series starting on June 11. We will return […]

Store events

Hours Return to Normal Tomorrow

Noon – 9 pm, Monday – Saturday, Noon – 6 pm Sunday We’re very pleased to report that our hours are returning to normal – more of your shopping has moved to in-person, so our late and early shifts are combining back into a single early shift to handle inventory! That means more time for […]

Classes Miniatures Store events

Red Slaad & Dire Troll Paint Night Class!

We’re pleased to offer two online paint classes, live, with our painting crewman Cameron Bender! Want to get in on the fun? Head over to our webstore and grab your Red Slaad and Dire Troll paint class kits today! Cameron is an experienced painter who excels at breaking steps down for beginners and only teaching […]

Board Games Store events

Board Game Swap Photos

Below are some preliminary shots from the Board Game Swap and Sell this Saturday, May 22! Shopping by ticketed appointment starts at noon, walk-in to the game room and browse starts at 2 pm! Read the full details on the main post. Dropoffs Tomorrow is the last day to dropoff games for the swap! Get […]

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