Board Games New Releases

Nemesis Board Game Pre-orders

Anticipated release date in July 2019. Kickstarted in late 2018, Nemesis is a cooperation game combining hidden objectives, survival and backstabbing in a survival horror science-fiction scenario. Coming to stores for the first time, Nemesis is a 1-5 player survival sci-fi game where players are woken up from hibernation as a crew of a space ship. […]

D&D Store events

D&D Ghosts of the Saltmarsh releases May 21, pre-order hobby cover

Ghosts of Saltmarsh Adventure releases May 21 Upcoming D&D books will feature hobby-exclusive limited print covers, available only at hobby stores like Just Games! We expect to be able to fulfill all pre-orders for these covers, but pre-orders will be necessary to ensure yourself a copy. As always, pre-paid pre-orders will receive double points. Pre-order […]

D&D Store events Youth Programming

D&D Youth League March 2

D&D youth league continues on March 2 from noon to 3 pm (please note the shortened time, by parental request) Parents and older children are encouraged to ask about participating as Dungeon Masters, however all content is determined by the Just Games staff. Parents with younger children should plan to remain in attendance. Remember: our […]

Keyforge New Releases Store events

Keyforge Archon League, Spring Season “Faction War”

Our first Archon league is wrapping up, and it was so much fun we want to add to it. Our second league will build on the first, but add reasons to play new decks! Saturday – Archon Survival $5 (Bring 3 decks) Format may vary, but we will stick to best of 1, 35 minute […]

Board Games

Games for everyone

Just Games stocks games for everyone! Board Games, Card Games, Miniatures, and Role Playing in Rochester NY! We are the city of Rochester’s community-first game store, making annual contributions to charities, libraries and non-profits in our area. We have the games you want to play, and a reason to want to play them. Come check […]

Miniatures Store events

WNY Warmachine Store Wars, round 1

This event is the first round of the NY Store Wars tournament series. Rules The NYSW will consist of a series of qualifying tournaments followed by a single championship tournament. Qualifying events will be standard Steamroller format events, 75 points. First place at each qualifier will get 6 points towards qualifying, second will get 5 […]

Magic: the Gathering New Releases Nox Cocktail Lounge Store events

War of the Spark Prerelease @ Nox Cocktail Lounge

Just Games and Nox Cocktail Lounge are again proud to partner for the War of the Spark Pre-release on April 27 The event at Nox will be scheduled in their spacious private room and consist of the following schedule: 5 -6 pm: Happy hour and build time. Check in, grab a drink, build your deck […]

Dice Star Wars Destiny Store events

Star Wars Destiny, “Regional Schmegional” Tournament, March 9

Join the largest upstate New York Star Wars Destiny community as they host our take on a regional tournament, in one of the most ridiculously fun formats we’ve ever run at Just Games! If you’re a Destiny fan, or a Star Wars fan, or you just like seeing goofy people being goofy, this is a […]

Card Games Magic: the Gathering New Releases

Ravnica Allegiance Guild Kit Pre-orders

Guild Kits return to Just Games on February 15! If you pre-order and pre-pay you will earn double rewards points on whole displays! Ravnica Allegiance Guild Kit Display 1 Display, pre-pay $124.95 USDReserve, pay later $0.01 USD Just as with Guilds of Ravnica, Wizards is releasing five preconstructed decks that celebrate the history of each […]

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