Magic: the Gathering Store events

Mystery Booster Box Preorder

Releases March 13, 2020 Mystery Booster is a booster pack release inspired by those Chaos, Cube, and off-format drafts. It is, in effect, a chaos draft in a pack. With some twists. The set itself contains a whopping 1,694 reprints from all throughout the game’s history (see below for the full list), plus 121 copies of […]

Miniatures Star Wars Store events

Star Wars Legion Winter Skirmish League, Feb 18

Have a starter box of Legion? Perfect! You have enough points to play in this league under the new Skirmish rules! Don’t have such a box? Well, we have demo kits that are enough for you to TRY playing Legion. Skirmish games are played in around an hour, so you can play several in a […]

Classes D&D Role-Playing Youth Programming

D&D Youth Summer Programs 2020

This July we return to our ever-popular, week-long youth events designed to give children ages 8-16 a chance to build social and teamwork skills through gaming. These events are D&D-focused, and give young players of all ages and experience levels a chance to take their role-playing to the next level, enjoy the camaraderie of friends […]

Board Games New Releases

Mariposas, Preorder Now

Releasing 7/31/2020 Every spring, millions of monarch butterflies leave Mexico to spread out across eastern North America. Every fall, millions fly back to Mexico. But no single butterfly ever makes the round trip. Mariposas is a gateway-level game of movement and set collection that lets players partake in this amazing journey. The game plays over […]

Card Games Magic: the Gathering New Releases Store events

Wednesday Commander Nights: Bingo League

Love Commander, but tired of playing against the same decks your friends bring every day? Well here’s an excuse to knock the dust off those piles of cards you have and build some NEW decks. Throughout 2020, Just Games will be hosting the Commander Deckbuilding Challenge for Rochester from 6-9 pm each Wednesday. Come by […]

Card Games Magic: the Gathering New Releases Store events

All Day Drafts Friday Jan 24 & Draft Weekend

All Day Drafts return for Theros: Byeond Death. Starting at noon on release day Friday, we run drafts all day on demand. In practice, this means we start a draft at noon, one at 3 pm, and one at 6 pm as part of our Friday Night Magic.   Prizes The best in Rochester! 3-0 […]

Keyforge Store events

Keyforge Prime Championship, Feb 15

Keyforge Prime Championship! Archon Solo (bring your best deck) $25 Entry 5 Rounds. Best of 1. Top 8 cut (anticipated) Round 1 pairings at 12:30pm PREREGISTER Keyforge Prime Championship 1 Ticket $25.00 USD2 Tickets $50.00 USD Prizes: 10 Aembershards just for participating. 5 per win. Top 16: 5 Acrylic Stun tokens, and Keyforge deckbox Top […]

Magic: the Gathering New Releases


Theros Prerelease @ Nox is FRIDAY Jan 17 (Not Saturday January 18) Hi folks Matt here, owner of Just Games. It’s rare I’ve had to write an email like this (never, in fact); but I made a scheduling mistake. When Wizards originally sent dates for this prerelease, I booked the wrong date for Nox event. I booked […]

D&D New Releases Role-Playing

D&D Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount Preorder

Releases March 17, 2020 Create your own Critical Role campaigns with this sourcebook for the world’s greatest roleplaying game! Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount provides everything you need to play Dungeons & Dragons on the continent of Wildemount (set within the world of Exandria)—a land of war, betrayal, and swashbuckling adventure. Comprised of four regions, Wildemount provides […]

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