Magic: the Gathering New Releases

Commander Collection Green Preorders open

Anticipated release date December 4, 2020 We have confirmed our preorder quantities from distribution on Commander Collection Green. Initial preorders closed in October, a new wave of preorders will be available in late November. In order to prevent preorder scalping, but to continue to accommodate social distancing and at-home ordering, we will have a system […]

Magic: the Gathering

Commander Legends preorders open

As predicted, Commander Legends preorders exploded as soon as spoiler season began! We’re now less than a month out from the set, and half sold out. This isn’t a set to sleep on, but instead a set to preorder early! Commander Legends Spoilers Here’s your update on what’s in the set. Right now, it’s straight […]

40K Age of Sigmar Store events

The Great 2020 Terrain Contest

Want to win a terrain contest for your awesome painting? Of course you do! By know you miniatures gamers know that we can’t run events in store, and we probably won’t be able to this year. But, what you may not know is that we have seen a ~30% increase in purchases of miniatures and […]

Board Games

Descent: Legends of the Dark Preorder

Anticipated release second quarter 2021 Preorder from our online store or in person today Terrinoth is in peril. The demon-tainted Uthuk Y’llan barbarians stalk the realm and the undead servants of Waiqar the Undying venture beyond their borders for the first time in memory. The leaders of Terrinoth are divided and fractious, unable to unite […]

Board Games

Board Game Spotlight: Nemesis

“You awaken inside your hibernation pod, confused and disoriented. You see what could very well be a fellow crew member on the ground from the limited view of your pod’s window. Strange sounds can be heard echoing down the corridors leading into the chamber with you and your crew mate’s pods. You hear a loud […]

Card Games Classes Magic: the Gathering Youth Programming

Zombie Ogres, Pokemon Prerelease, and Digimon; oh my!

So many prerelease events coming up in the next month. But first! An ogre! Zombie Ogre Paint Night – Nov 1  Learn to paint with us on Twitch at! Follow along on Sunday, Nov 1 starting at 2 pm. New and experienced painters welcome. We’ll be painting a Zombie Ogre! Pick up this paint […]

COVID-19 Magic: the Gathering Store events

Opportunities to Play Webcam Magic

While COVID has fragmented our players into smaller, webcam Magic groups, it has taken none of the excitement from their game play! Out of more than two dozen groups, here are some that are willing to have you join them for online play via webcam! So if you’re one of those Magic players hungering to […]

Magic: the Gathering

Commander Legends prerelease, Nov 13 online

Due to COVID-19, Wizards has pushed back the full global launch of Commander Legends to November 20, 2020. This will include all products: Draft Boosters, Collector Boosters, and Commander Decks. Prereleases will occur starting November 13, 2020. Promos will have the previous date printed on them. Preregister for the Online Commander Legends Prerelease Join us […]

Board Games

Board Game Spotlight: D&D Adventure Begins

By Chris Jones D&D Adventure Begins is a pared down and streamlined version of some of the best parts of a D&D campaign into a board game that can be played rather quickly, or drawn out for extra roll playing fun and rewards. Up to four players can take on the dungeons laid out before […]

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