So, we’ve been talking a lot about Double Masters, and you’re going to see a lot of speculative buzz online. In situations like these, a lot of folks ask us about value and sets and drafts, and really EVERYTHING. So here’s our take, then we’ll give you Wizard’s take, and then we’ll talk contents. […]
Author: Just Games
DCC Day 2020, June 13
What is DCC Day? It’s your chance to get free adventure modules, exclusive limited-edition items, and great swag – plus a reason to play the game (Dungeon Crawl Classics) that you already know and love OR your chance to fall in love with a new RPG. How do you participate in DCC Day? Two very […]
This prerelease is going to be different from every other one. Here in NY, we really don’t know when we’ll be allowed to reopen our game room. And if we’re allowed, we’re not sure exactly when it will be safe to do so. So, how do we run the Core 2021 prerelease? Well, we’re going […]
Each summer since we’ve been open, we’ve done a robust, in-person summer day program for parents to bring young adventures to. We know having activities at home is important right now, so this year, rather than manage all the health concerns of parents and young kids interacting in person, we’re going to run those summer […]
Phase 2 reopening begins, some restrictions continue by executive order As the Rochester area enters Phase 2 reopening, Just Games will be joining a great many local retailers in welcoming customers back to our store from noon-6 pm, daily, starting tomorrow, Saturday May 30. However, as we do, we want to ensure that our customer’s […]
Once in a while, a game comes along that I’m personally like “holy crap, that’s brilliant, it’s fun, it’s cute, I want a million and three of them in my store.” A few years ago, that was Mystic Vale, a deckbuilding game about druids crafting spells via transparent cards. This year, it’s Canvas. A light […]
Ikoria Prerelease Logistics
If you ordered Ikoria, please read this. Okay, Magic players, I’m now talking to you. First off, thank you for the massive, huge, ridiculous support you gave us leading up to this Ikoria prerelease. There’s been a lot of delays and changes, and you’ve stuck with us through all of them. Second, Ikoria logistics have […]
Hello all! It’s your friendly neighborhood friendly local game store owner Matt here again, with some exciting news – and some reality checks! First, we’re excited to announce that we will “reopen” for curbside only (no in store shopping) on May 16. According to the “NY Forward” regional reopening orders, we are permitted to restart […]
Here at Just Games Rochester, we’re working hard during the shutdown to make our store accessible to you. Whether it’s Magic, D&D, Pokemon, puzzles or Games Workshop you’re looking for, we wanted a solution for all of them. This weekend, we’re rolling out one more way to do that. Using virtual reality-compatible technology, we’ve made […]