Board Games Store events

Games for Everyone Series!

We’re happy to be back to in-person play! And we don’t want board gamers left out, so we’re announcing our “Games for Everyone” series, an amazing weekend of events hosted by our own, Riley and many of our publisher partners! This will be a monthly board game series, with supplemental events around the city, and […]

Board Games Store events

Board Game Swap Debrief

Over $3000 donated to charity, 900+ games swapped & sold First, a sincere thank you to the Rochester regional board game community, who have been so enormously supportive throughout the last year and a half. We couldn’t be here, writing this, without you. Second, the energy in the store on Saturday was incredible. As each […]

Board Games Store events

Board Game Swap Photos

Below are some preliminary shots from the Board Game Swap and Sell this Saturday, May 22! Shopping by ticketed appointment starts at noon, walk-in to the game room and browse starts at 2 pm! Read the full details on the main post. Dropoffs Tomorrow is the last day to dropoff games for the swap! Get […]

Board Games

Board Game Spotlight: Hallertau

By Chris Jones In Hallertau, you’ll be playing the part of a Chief of a small Bavarian village in sometime around 1850. The Hallertau is a region in Germany known for being the largest continuous hop producing areas in the country. You’ll be trading, farming, shearing, harvesting, and improving your village in order to gain […]

Board Games

Spotlight: Trekking the World

Trekking the World 2-5 Players Ages 10+ 30-60 minutes Intro In Trekking the World, you and your friends and/or family compete to gather the most souvenir cubes while globetrotting across the continents, taking tours to gather the most points and be the most well traveled of your friends! I’ll be doing a brief run through […]

40K Age of Sigmar Board Games Card Games Magic: the Gathering Store events

Black Friday Week 2020

Our biggest goals this month are to encourage folks to shop early, skip the lines, and avoid unnecessary time spent in crowds. So Black Friday starts Monday Nov 23! COVID is on the rise again, and frankly, we don’t want to put anyone at unnecessary risk. At the same time, due to the shutdowns earlier […]

Board Games Store events

Thanksgaming – A Game on Every Table

I’m here to tell you a little bit about the A Game on Every Table initiative to benefit Toys for Tots. For this week only, starting today and running through Sunday Nov 22, buy any board game, and donate a second game for 50% off to Toys for Tots. We have dropoff containers right in […]

Board Games

Descent: Legends of the Dark Preorder

Anticipated release second quarter 2021 Preorder from our online store or in person today Terrinoth is in peril. The demon-tainted Uthuk Y’llan barbarians stalk the realm and the undead servants of Waiqar the Undying venture beyond their borders for the first time in memory. The leaders of Terrinoth are divided and fractious, unable to unite […]

Board Games

Board Game Spotlight: Nemesis

“You awaken inside your hibernation pod, confused and disoriented. You see what could very well be a fellow crew member on the ground from the limited view of your pod’s window. Strange sounds can be heard echoing down the corridors leading into the chamber with you and your crew mate’s pods. You hear a loud […]

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