D&D Store events Youth Programming

D&D Youth League, June 15

D&D youth league continues on June 15 from noon to 3 pm. Parents and older children are encouraged to ask about participating as Dungeon Masters, however all content is determined by the Just Games staff. Parents with younger children should plan to remain in attendance. Remember: our staff are not babysitters, they are game runners. […]

D&D New Releases

D&D Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus preorders,

Releases Sept 17, 2019 At Just Games we pride ourselves on the robust, diverse and FUN D&D Community you have helped us grow in the last 4 years! We have secured a strong supplier of Hobby covers in 2019, and we expect to have supply for anyone who pre-orders them. So, without further ado, here […]

D&D Store events

Learn to DM class, June 6

Join us from 6-9:30 pm as our staffer Dungeon Master Steve runs a workshop on how to be a Dungeon Master (or “DM”)! Our last event sold out well in advance, so pre-register early for this one! Who should come? Any adult curious about DMing Those who want to build their confidence in being a […]

D&D Magic: the Gathering

WPN Premium

Over the last few years, we have worked to better and improve our store for our customers. Indeed, this commitment is included right in our Mission Statement, which has been there since the day we opened our doors. Recently, Wizards of the Coast instituted a new certification process for game stores – doing away with […]

D&D Store events Youth Programming

D&D Youth League, May 25

D&D youth league continues on May 25 from noon to 3 pm. Parents and older children are encouraged to ask about participating as Dungeon Masters, however all content is determined by the Just Games staff. Parents with younger children should plan to remain in attendance. Remember: our staff are not babysitters, they are game runners. […]

D&D New Releases Store events

Learn to DM Class, May 1

Join us from 6-9:30 pm as our staffer Dungeon Master Steve runs a workshop on how to be a Dungeon Master (or “DM”)! As part of our participation in National Screen Free Week, we want to get those curious about Dungeon Mastering into a room. Who should come? Any adult curious about DMing Those who […]

D&D New Releases Role-Playing

D&D 5th: Acquisitions Incorporated RPG, preorders arrive June 18

Available June 18, 2019 at your favorite hobby retailer Welcome to Acquisitions Incorporated! A Book Providing the Flavor of Acq. Inc within the Forgotten Realms Pre-order or reserve Acquisitions Incorporated Prepay, double points $49.99 USDReserve, pay later $0.01 USD No, it’s not a joke; Wizards will be publishing a book in collaboration with Penny Arcade. […]

D&D Role-Playing Store events

D&D Epic Stardock Under Siege, May 11

Orbiting high above Toril is Stardock, a hollowed-out asteroid used by the Githyanki as a fortress/creche and connected to the Crystal Labyrinth in Undermountain via a magical gate. Now, an illithid invasion threatens Stardock, and only you and your allies can stop it! Join Just Games at the D&D Epic “Stardock Under Siege” on Saturday, […]

Age of Sigmar Board Games Card Games D&D Dice Keyforge Legend of the Five Rings Magic: the Gathering Miniatures New Releases Pathfinder Society Pokemon Role-Playing Star Wars Destiny Store events Warhammer

Open House – Just Games Rochester new location

Just Games, Rochester and Penfield’s friendly local source for board games, puzzles, role-playing, miniatures and more is proud to invite you to our first Open House in our new location! Festivities kickoff at noon this Saturday, March 30! What will be happening at this open house? Well first, just for popping by, we’ll give you […]

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