Miniatures Star Wars Store events

X-Wing Hyperspace Trial, Oct 12

This is your regional championship and will be attracting players from all over the area. Bring a Hyperspace legal list, your A-game, and get ready to pew pew with the best! Entry fee will be $25. The store will open at 10am, registration will close at 10:45am, and the first round will begin at 11:00pm […]

Gen Con Release Miniatures New Releases Star Wars

Star Wars Legion: Clone Wars Starter

Anticipated release date October 18 “The shroud of the dark side has fallen. Begun, the clone war has.” –Yoda, Star Wars: Attack of the Clones War has engulfed the galaxy. The vast forces of the Separatist Alliance, bolstered by seemingly endless ranks of battle droids, have pushed the Galactic Republic to the brink of dissolution and […]

Age of Sigmar Board Games Miniatures New Releases Store events Youth Programming

Summer Demo Daze, July 27 – New release demos by local designers

From noon – 6 pm we’ll be running demos of some great new games, many by local designers! Any copies of these games pre-ordered or purchased today will earn you double member reward points. This is also Youth League, so stick around to learn some games while your young adventurer plays D&D!   Gem Hens […]

Age of Sigmar Board Games Miniatures Store events Youth Programming

Foundations of Painting Classes, May 5 & 12

Just Games is proud to announce a recurring selection of beginner miniatures painting classes as part of National Screen Free Week. Have you ever wanted to learn the basics of painting for tabletop games like Dungeons & Dragons, Warhammer, and board games from Cool Mini or Not? In these two 4-hours classes, we’ll take you […]

Miniatures Store events

Star Wars Legion Clone Wars Starter

Anticipated release date August 2019 Just Games is proud to offer the latest Star Wars Legion expansion, the Clone Wars Starter set, bringing 2 new factions into Legion, adding much-desired variety, and expanding the game in exciting new ways. Note that this set will not be available or legal for our Rallypoint Qualifier event in […]

Age of Sigmar Board Games Card Games D&D Dice Keyforge Legend of the Five Rings Magic: the Gathering Miniatures New Releases Pathfinder Society Pokemon Role-Playing Star Wars Destiny Store events Warhammer

Open House – Just Games Rochester new location

Just Games, Rochester and Penfield’s friendly local source for board games, puzzles, role-playing, miniatures and more is proud to invite you to our first Open House in our new location! Festivities kickoff at noon this Saturday, March 30! What will be happening at this open house? Well first, just for popping by, we’ll give you […]

Age of Sigmar Board Games Card Games D&D Dice Keyforge Legend of the Five Rings Magic: the Gathering Miniatures Pathfinder Society Pokemon Role-Playing Star Wars Destiny Store events Warhammer Youth Programming

We’re moving (but not far)!

Just Games has burst the surly bonds of it’s storefront and is moving two doors down! We’re pleased to have had four great years in our current space, but the fact is we are consistently at capacity for events, we can’t stock everything you ask for, and we really really want more elbow room. So […]

Miniatures Store events

X-Wing League, Thursdays at 6 pm

Join us at Just Games Rochester for X-Wing League each Thursday at 6 pm! Got some 1.0 stuff and want to learn what this 2.0 fuss is about? We have extra components, come try it! Got a lot of 2.0, but haven’t gotten to play? No problem. Here’s how it works, pilot: Weekly league 6 […]

Miniatures Store events

WNY Warmachine Store Wars, round 1

This event is the first round of the NY Store Wars tournament series. Rules The NYSW will consist of a series of qualifying tournaments followed by a single championship tournament. Qualifying events will be standard Steamroller format events, 75 points. First place at each qualifier will get 6 points towards qualifying, second will get 5 […]

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